District Medical Office

United Republic of Tanzania, Moshi DC, Kilimanjaro

Dr. Wonanji, District Medical Officer and CHMT Chairman

Council Health Management Team
Our Mission
"At Moshi DC DMO we are committed to facilitate the provision of basic health services the are of good quality, equitable, accesible, affordable, sustainable and gender sensitive."
"To have a healthy society with improved social well-being that will contribute effectively to individual and national development."
Our Vision
The Moshi DC CHMT is a high functioning instituttion that is dedicated to delivering the highest quality of care in a timely manner to all local citizens in need of medical attention.
Moshi DC CHMT coordinates all health facilities within the district. The Community Health management Team (CHMT) is responsible for coordinating preventative, curative, rehabilitative, supervision and promotes health activities.
Moshi DC CHMT partners with many agancies for health development such as UNICEF, World Bank, Global Fund, EGPAF, Engender Health, Pharmacess International, PATH and local partners for iumproving the health status of the community in Moshi DC.